Realtek High Definition Audio Drivers adalah aplikasi terbaru dari realtek untuk Sound Card HD buatan Realtek SemiConductor yang dapat diinstal di versi windows 7, windows 8, dan juga windows 8.1. Jika anda mempunyai masalah dengan suara di komputer laptop anda dengan format audio baru, saya sarankan untuk segera mendownload driver realtek terbaru ini agar semua masalah tersebut dapat terselesaikan.
Salah keuntungan menggunakan Realtek High Definition Audio Drivers ini adalah dukungan semua format audio baru yang terus bermunculan seiring dengan perkembangan waktu, Bandwitch audio frekuensi tinggi, dukungan untuk menghubungkan perangkat audio baru tanpa masalah, teknologi plug and play, dan juga teknologi pengenalan suara yang jauh lebih akurat sehingga menghasilkan output suara yang lebih jernih dan lebih enak didengar.
Supported chips sound cards: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC892, ALC663, ALC662, ALC660, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275, ALC680.
ALC861 Value HD audio Codec
ALC861-VD-GR Value HD audio Codec
ALC880 Series HD audio Codec
ALC882 7.1+2 HD audio Codec
ALC883 Value 7.1+2 HD audio Codec
ALC888 7.1+2 Channel high definition audio Codec
ALC888T Advanced 7.1+2 HD audio Codec for VoIP Applications
ALC885 7.1+2 Channel High-Performance HDA Codec with ******* Protection
ALC888S 7.1+2 channel high definition audio codec with two independent s/pdif-out
ALC888S-VC 7.1+2 Channel high definition audio Codec with Two Independent S/PDIF-OUT
ALC888S-VD 7.1+2 Channel HD audio Codec with Two Independent SPDIF Outputs
ALC889 7.1+2 Channel HD audio Codec with ******* Protection
ALC892 7.1+2 Channel HD audio Codec with ******* Protection
ALC662 5.1 Channel high definition audio Codec
ALC663 5.1 Channel high definition audio Codec
ALC665 5.1-Channel high definition audio Codec
ALC231 high definition audio Codec with Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier
ALC260 HD audio Codec
ALC262 2+2 HD audio Codec
ALC268 2+2 Channel high definition audio Codec
ALC269 high definition audio Codec with Embedded Class D Speaker Amplifier
ALC272 4-Channel high definition audio Codec
ALC861-VD-GR Value HD audio Codec
ALC880 Series HD audio Codec
ALC882 7.1+2 HD audio Codec
ALC883 Value 7.1+2 HD audio Codec
ALC888 7.1+2 Channel high definition audio Codec
ALC888T Advanced 7.1+2 HD audio Codec for VoIP Applications
ALC885 7.1+2 Channel High-Performance HDA Codec with ******* Protection
ALC888S 7.1+2 channel high definition audio codec with two independent s/pdif-out
ALC888S-VC 7.1+2 Channel high definition audio Codec with Two Independent S/PDIF-OUT
ALC888S-VD 7.1+2 Channel HD audio Codec with Two Independent SPDIF Outputs
ALC889 7.1+2 Channel HD audio Codec with ******* Protection
ALC892 7.1+2 Channel HD audio Codec with ******* Protection
ALC662 5.1 Channel high definition audio Codec
ALC663 5.1 Channel high definition audio Codec
ALC665 5.1-Channel high definition audio Codec
ALC231 high definition audio Codec with Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier
ALC260 HD audio Codec
ALC262 2+2 HD audio Codec
ALC268 2+2 Channel high definition audio Codec
ALC269 high definition audio Codec with Embedded Class D Speaker Amplifier
ALC272 4-Channel high definition audio Codec
Operating System: Windows Vista / 7, 8 & 8.1 X86/X64
Interface : Multilanguage
Size : 200 Mb
Interface : Multilanguage
Size : 200 Mb

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